Castalia Church of God of Prophecy

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Youth Activities

It is camp time once again.  Our youth will be doing several fund raisers to help meet the cost of camp.  Please do your part so that our goals are met and our youth can go to camp.

Castalia COGOP welcomes Evangalist Stacie Bullock.  God has placed her within the body as a spirit-filled teacher for our youth.  She has overcome many obsticles in order to be here and do God's will.  Please let's pray for her and her youth that God's will be done and that our youth program contiues to grow. 
 Parents please support our youth program and Sister Stacie by getting your children to church.  They love  the Lord and have a desire to serve him.

Our youth activities promote our values and help build lifelong friendships.

Our Precious children presenting their "Alabaster Boxes" to our mother's.

Welcome to our Youth Page!  The new year brings some new changes that we are excited about.  We are starting our Youth Incentative Program in the hopes of getting our youth more involved in church activities as well are reaching out to the youth in the community.

Let's sing a song.

Keep our youth in prayer that God protects them and they do his will.

Our "Babies"

Our "Teens" at Christmas

Don't forget about Sunday School at 10:00AM each Sunday!

6111 Race Track Road
Castalia, NC 27816